People, places, emails and telephone numbers search - Direcroty enquiries

192People - Person search

Knowem - Searches 550 social networks for a persons name

Freefindpeopleuk - Checks the UK electoral roll (there is a charge) - Telephone/address worldwide - Search for UK property ownership and price

Lullar- Search on names and emails

Numberingplans - Use a mobile phone number, IMEI, SIM, etc to ID what phone it is and which network it is on. – Electoral role

Paterva - Maltego is useful search facility for linking individuals & accounts

Peekyou - Search social networks by name, location, usernames or phone number

PIPL - Deep web search for a name, email, username, phone number or location

Profilewho - Search a name against photos, social network, criminal records, personal data, blogs and much more

Spokeo - Name, email, phone, username and address search

Usernamechecker - Searches 160+ social network sites for a username at once

Webmii - Find all the information about any people and see their visibility score

Wink - Search social networks by name, username, location, interests, school.